24 ago 2008

¿Qué es la inteligencia?

La inteligencia es la capacidad de distinguir diferencias imaginando el futuro.

Foto de: commons.wikimedia.org

(hasta un girasol es capaz)

23 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

It´s the capacity to organize information and, distinctivly, to organize patterns of processes.
The skill in making such a distinction on processes, allows to hit, when the moment arrives, with that "profecie" -let´s say- made on the events to come on that future.
In general terms, and just to give a wide outlook on the phenomena, the more hits, the more intelligence.


goolian dijo...

Mary Catherine, the skill of organizing patterns is embedded in our brains and in my humble opinion it is more of a problem than an evolutive advantage.
Watching clouds or moist stains on a wall can lead us to perceive faces or animals but that strong bias to form patterns can also lead us to believe there are patterns in the universe, the evolution and so on.
Ultimately we create a kindergarden figure of God that solves most of our uncertainty issues.
Intelligence can be defined, for me, as the ability of living with uncertainty and paradox in an undeterministic universe.


pau dijo...

Mary Catherine, ¿Isn't my definition a more sinthetic form of the same concepts you expressed?.
Give my regards to your father.

Goolian, your beliefs may not be from kindergarden, but your definition is still too inespecific -undeterministic- to replace mine!.

Claude dijo...

Una definición ambiciosa. A mí me basta con poder distinguir de manera lógica lo que es de lo que no es.

pau dijo...

Claude: algo es algo.

goolian dijo...

your definition is religious ?

pau dijo...

No religion for me, please.

Anónimo dijo...

Goolian, it seems you are missing the point.

About this missing, and picking what you wrote, it´s also true the opposite, as in the known phenomena of negative alucination: there´s something there, but he or she don´t even see it.
But, also, not everything in patterning is alucination, positive, or negative.

Maybe, despite of what you said, that for example you don´t think that breathing is an evolutionary disadvantage (for it would by, according to your said criteria, given that breathing is deeply embedded in our body). Maybe you can see it´s essential to many forms of life, as ours, which succeeded living until now.

Pau, yes, you put the road to understand intelligence in reference to future.
In little more complex concepts (but I suposse used in this blog), I simply wished to include, in that imagined future yours, the interaction with "reality", stating that, to me, intelligence is not just a matter of imagination.
And the interaction with "reality" allows learning, something closely linked to intelligence. That´s my opinion.
You can also see science as a process of making up descriptions of patterns (theories and models) of, say, processes, which allows predictions, which maybe has something to do with intelligence, as it´s supossed in my upwords.

PS: I was joyful when I saw Gregory´s photos in your site. You are also giving with this, your regards to him.

pau dijo...

Tá bien, si usté lo dice...

Anónimo dijo...

Ich stimme mit Goolian überein:

"Der Glaube an den Kausalnexus ist der Aberglaube" [Tractatus Logico Philosophicus, 5.1361]

Anónimo dijo...

Excuse me for my germaning.
What I said is that I agree with Goolian, and then quoted the 5.1361 sentence for my TLPh:

"Superstition is the belief in the causal nexus"

pau dijo...

What about "the belief in casual sexus"?

Anónimo dijo...

Maybe that is a sentence from Henry Miller, I guess...

pau dijo...

Not Miller, Prince.

Anónimo dijo...

Is not "Sexus", a Henry Miller´s book?

pau dijo...

"Nexus, sexus, yo me como tu Big Mac", Andrés Calamaro.

Anónimo dijo...

Pau, tomando lo de Descartes y su relación del deseo con el futuro, y lo de la inteligencia relacionado con el futuro, por ahí te podés inspirar diciendo algo sobre la o las relaciones posibles entre ambos (p. ej. está el un tanto trillado "el deseo nubla la inteligencia" o algo así, hasta que "el deseo puede inspirar a la inteligencia" o "la inteligencia inspirar al deseo" -en un intermedio hacia aquello que te pareció un tanto deforme, de la responsabilidad como "fuente" de deseo-.)
Digo nomás, para especiar un poco el tema ...

Anónimo dijo...

¿Qué es el futuro?

pau dijo...

El Futuro es un bar.

Anónimo dijo...

Now coming back, Pau, to my first comment, I have to state something about intelligence and understanding. So nobody, I guess, would misunderstand my previous words. Here, my 6.54 statement from the TLP:
"My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognizes them as senseless, when he has climbed out through them, on them, over them. (He must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he has climbed up on it.)

He must surmount these propositions; then he sees the world rightly."

To you also, Mary Catherine,


pau dijo...

Be smart: imagine.

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks! Ludwig, I appreciate it!
As you may have guessed, until now I´ve only been performing the last sentence of your TLP, 7:

“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent”

I´m amused thinking that from now, you are and will be the one to fullfill that sentence!

Love, peace, and joy for you Ludwig, and for you all!

Mary Catherine

pau dijo...

Doble vínculo galopante!